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Tere Memun

Escultora de D'Argenta

Tere memun nació el 30 de mayo de 1950 en la Ciudad de México. Autodidacta desde temprana edad ya que da muestras de gran talento en las artes gráficas.


En 1981 Tere Memun inicia sus estudios de Escultura. En 1983 el artista D'Argenta Enrique Jolly le presentó nuevas técnicas y materiales. Ese año nació el estilo característico de Tere Memun. Se inclinó por el estilo figurativo, trabajando habitualmente sobre bronce, mármol y resina.


En 1987 continúa sus viajes aprendiendo nuevas técnicas en el camino. Tere se unió a seminarios impartidos por George Adamy, Stanley Bliefeld y Ronald Young.


Esculturas de Tere Memun

Tere memun was born on May 30 1950 in mexico city. An autodidact since a very early age. She shows signs of great talent in the graphic arts and earns several scholastic awards.

In1975 Tere gets initiated in the realm of the plastic arts by assuming the leadership of a workshop in order to broaden her knowledge. She makes frequent excursions to italy and to several other countries.

In 1981. Tere Memun starts her formal studies in Sculptuing. From 1983 on she works with Enrique Jolly who
acquaints her with different techniques and materials. It is then that tere’s style acquires a definite leaning toward the figurative style, she mainly works on bronze marble and resin.

In1987, tere resumes her travels to further develop her expertise in techniques and materials: she attends intensive seminars imparted by george adamy in New York. Stanley bliefeld in connecticut and ronald young in colorado.

Collective Expositions

1982/1983 v. V1. Games of art and culture. C.D.I.

1983/1984 iv. V. Monte sinai festival of arts.

1985   Art Garden. C.D.I.

1985   Monte Sinai New Exponents

1986   Opening of Gallery 10/10

1986   Technological Museum of Mexico City.

1986   Pedro Domecq Tower

1986   Mexican Culture Seminar, Acambaro, Guanajuato.

1986   Artgarden American School

1987   Alexandra Gallery

1987   Bellavista Golf Club

1988   Aura galleries

1988   Alexandra Gallery

1989   c.D.I.

1990   Red Cross of Monterrey, México

1991   Mexican Jewish Art.

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